, First Annual General Meeting for Private Limited under Companies Act 2013 latest previsions covered ~ CS GAURAV SHARMA

July 21, 2016

First Annual General Meeting for Private Limited under Companies Act 2013 latest previsions covered

First AGM of the Company needs to be conducted within 9 months from closing of First Financial Year. For the Companies incorporated on or after 1/1/2015, 31/3/2016 will be consider as closing of first Financial Year and not 31/1/2015.   Time: Between 9am to 6pm Place: Either Registered Office or any other place within same place where Registered Office is situated. Day: On any day except National Holiday. Extension of time: Company are not allowed to apply for extension for First AGM. Notice: 21 days’ notice to be served for conducting AGM   Business transaction: 1)      Consideration of financial statement 2)      Declaration of dividend 3)      Appointment of Director in place of retired director 4)      Appointment of Auditor Other Items for new Companies: 1)      Approval of 5 Years’ Budget 2)      Initiative to start new business activity 3)      To discuss further requirement of funds and investment and accordingly plan out 4)      To invest the excess fund of the Company in Short term debts / Fixed Deposit 5)       Discussion of the status of Compliance and Legal position of the Company 6)      Discussion of the existing policy of the Company and if required, to implement new policy

Company Secretary GAURAV SHARMA+919990694230 Connect on Watts App with Gaurav Email us [email protected] Submit your guest articles for our website click here we will publish it Subscribe our Email updates like other 21,000 Members, Free/Easy/Comfortableway